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How to Keep Your Skin Healthy From Head-To-Toe

How to Keep Your Skin Healthy From Head-To-Toe

InstaNatural Team
anti-aging body coconut oil face feet hands moisturizer neck skin sunscreen

InstaNatural Keep Skin Healthy

Since skin is the largest organ in the human body, it's incredibly important that we understand just how vital it is to protect it! Each person's skin is different, and different areas of the body often require different methods and regimens to keep those specific areas of skin in tip-top shape. 

A perfect example would be when people exercise. There's no all-encompassing workout motion that covers the entire body all at once, but there are all sorts of exercises that specifically target certain muscles. So, for someone who wants to provide ample attention and care to their skin, discerning which areas need attention and figuring out how to specifically address them is the best approach to get the results you're looking for. 

With that being said, here are a few helpful tips you can employ in your skincare regimen to keep all areas of your skin looking beautiful and healthy!


Addressing the Face and Neck

The face and neck are two of the most sensitive areas of the skin, which often means that additional care is necessary to keep both areas looking their best. The lips, for example, are particularly sensitive with many different types of receptor cells. Maintaining the moisture in your lips can be a challenge that requires very specific support, but it's a very important step in maintaining the beautiful appearance you want!

For prevention, any lip balm will work; but if your lips are already damaged from the sun or dry air, try looking for a balm with marshmallow root as an effective form of treatment. Marshmallow root is particularly useful for the lips because it will help retain moisture in the lips (and all of your skin) so that it can begin to recover after being damaged. Pretty nifty, right?
InstaNatural Keep Skin Healthy - ArmAlthough lips might be the most sensitive, the rest of your face typically requires the majority of our focus when if comes to protection and care. Starting with prevention, it's important to apply sunscreen across your face regularly especially in regions around your eyes, across your nose, forehead, and ears. For fair-skinned people, it may be a good idea to use sunscreen daily even while spending most of the day indoors. Don't forget, the sun's rays readily penetrate through windows and windshields, so a light coat would definitely help!

Not only will this preventative measure save you from burns and dry skin, but over time, it will also help prevent early signs of aging and wrinkles.

For daily skin care, men and women should opt for products and practices that are fit for the environment. People in dry climates might have a slightly different routine than those in humid ones, but everyone should include high quantities of water in their daily routine. Of course, we all know that water is necessary for many reasons, but it's especially true for our skin! Without a steady uptake of water, young and healthy skin can look older and troubled very quickly. A study in the Journal of Biological Chemistry showed that skin is normally comprised of 64% water. And when dehydrated, the skin is immediate put at a supreme disadvantage. So, in other words, keep water handy at all times!

Once you are drinking enough water, it's time to move to treatments that are particularly useful for the face and neck. Taking care of facial skin is obviously of utmost importance; but because of the skin's sensitivity, it is crucial to avoid over-stimulation.

Cleansing the face and applying a suitable moisturizer for the climate you live in is beneficial, but proceed with care! Many people make the mistake of exfoliating too often. Due to the sensitivity of the skin on your face, some of the intense exfoliating scrubs can irritate and even damage your skin -- making them prone to other concerns over time.

Skin Treatment on Hands and Feet

As time progresses, hands and feet can become calloused and worn, which can be especially bothersome since this area of skin is also quite sensitive. Why, you ask? As humans evolved, hands and feet accumulated more nerve endings so that our ancestors could navigate the world around us a lot easier. So, whether we are typing on a keyboard or out for a jog, our hands and feet play a key role in our survival.

Addressing the hands and feet doesn't necessarily require the same depth of understanding and care as theInstaNatural Keep Skin Healthy - Feet face and neck, but is still important to keep these areas in mind for long-term health. Think about it. Even while we're wearing shoes, are feet are constantly battered with each step we take. Even for non-active individuals, the skin on your feet becomes rough and damaged as it handles body weight and navigates varied objects on the ground.

Because the skin on the feet is overlooked, it easily gets damaged, dry, and cracked. And in some cases, the dry and cracking feet become so discomforting that some people cannot walk, which can facilitate chronic problems. In those cases, natural oils can be the best cure for both hands and feet because they moisturize and protect at the same time.

Coconut Oil is high in antioxidants like Vitamin E, but even more important are it's smoothing properties. The saturated fats in this can help make rough skin on the feet more smooth, while also helping the skin retain moisture. Argan Oil is another option for rough, dry, and cracked skin because it can retain moisture. Just be sure that your oil of choice is pure and natural so that no filler ingredients stand in your way of having better looking skin!








Don't Neglect Your Body!

Just because the face, feet, and hands are the more sensitive areas of your body doesn't mean it's excusable to neglect the rest of your body. Far from it! There are plenty of spots, including your under arms, which are very sensitive and prone to dryness and cracking. Thankfully, there are a few ways you can take care of the rest of your skin without spending too much time or effort.

To start, make sure that you protect your skin across your body from the sun's rays. You can do that by wearing tightly woven clothing, using wide brimmed hats, or using a protective sunscreen. As we mentioned before, just because you are indoors does not mean you aren't getting sunlight because they can penetrate windows and cause damage to unprotected skin over time. Just to put it in perspective, even snow from a skiing trip can reflect the light and cause a slow buildup of sun damage!

Maintaining moisture in your skin is a must, which is why so many people use petroleum jelly or lotion to keep soft and supple skin. The only problem with some of these products is that they are filled with chemicals and fragrances that aren't great for the long term health of your skin. Instead, there are a variety of natural and nourishing essential oils that can not only help moisten the skin, but lock the moisture in.

Better than common lotions, many of these essential oils also are filled with vitamins and antioxidants that can improve the health of your skin so that it will look good for years to come. So, now that you've got the jump on how to keep the skin on your entire body looking and feeling great, give these tips a try!